1st Payment : S$50 [ 1ST AUGUST ]
Prom Night : 13 November 2008
Venue : Changi
Cost (estimated : S$75 +/-
Theme : Monochromatic [ one colour ]
Additional Mathematics [ Mock Paper 2 ]
31 July 2008 , Thursday [ 2.15PM ~ 4.45PM ]
Every Monday @ 2.15PM to 4.30PM
English Mock [ Comprehension ]
Every Tuesday @ 2.15PM
Chemistry [ Supplementary ]
Every Wednesday 2.30PM to 5PM
Cyan means this wk event
Teal means next wk event
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
♥Amaths - dy/dx e^x and Log
1. d/dx [ e^x ] = e^x
2. d/dx [ e^(ax+b) ] = a e^(ax+b)
3. d/dx [ ln (ax + b) ] 1/(ax+b) . a
[Tuesday, May 18, 2004]
Loves 4E2 of 2OO8
Can Change The World
Monday, May 17, 2004
♥Amaths - dy/dx Trigo
1. d/dx [ sin x ] = cos x
2. d/dx [ cos x ] = -sin x
3. d/dx [ tan x ] = sec² x
4. d/dx [ sin (ax+b) ] = a cos (ax+b)
5. d/dx [ cos (ax+b) ] = -a sin (ax+b)
6. d/dx [ tan (ax+b) ] = a sec² (ax+b)
7. d/dx [ sinⁿx ] = n sin^(n-1) x . cos x
8. d/dx [ cosⁿx ] = n cos^(n-1) x . -sin x
9. d/dx [ tanⁿx ] = n tan^(n-1) x . sec² x
[Monday, May 17, 2004]
Loves 4E2 of 2OO8
Can Change The World
Friday, May 14, 2004
♥Amaths - Differentiation
dy/dx (axⁿ) = nax^(n-1)
dy/dx [ 2x² + 5x + 7 ]
= 4x + 5
dy/dx [ x/3 - 3/x - 4/x² ]
= 1/3 + 2/x² + 8/x^3
Chain Rule
dy/dx [ (x²+1)^7 ]
= 7(x²+1)^6 . 2x
Product Rule
dy/dx [
(x+7)^10 .
(x²+2)^7 ]
7(x²+2)^6.2x +
Write 1st . dy/dx 2nd
+ Write 2nd . dy/dx 1st
Quotient Rule
dy/dx [ (2x+5) / (3x-4) ]
= [ (3x-4).2 - (2x+5).3 ] / (3x-4)²
Write btm . dy/dx TOP - write top . dy/dx btm ; then square btm
[Friday, May 14, 2004]
Loves 4E2 of 2OO8
Can Change The World
Please avoid using vulgarties =D thankew! C=
Press 'END' to reach the tag board in a flash
How many times have we been hit :D ?
Since 4th March 08
GreenView Secondary School
. 4 Express 2
. E veryone One of us is special
. 2 wards the best we aim
. C ontains an unexpected amount of jokers
. L ittle amount of seriousness
. A mazing Close brotherhood/friends we are
. S uper hyper class
. S o, we're the Best
-Reservoir run(25July08)
-Class outing(14MayO8)
January : Least Late Comers&Absentees
February : Least Late Comers&Absentees
♥ Class Comm♥
Chairman : Jason
Vice-Chairman : Ying Ying
Treasurer : Bryon
Discipline : Jordan
IT Rep. : Cedric & Dillon
NoticeBoard : Alisa, Stefanie, Varichaya,
EnglishREP. : Alisa
ChineseREP. : Jordan
SocialStudiesREP. : Lucas
Mr Lim Cheng Liang
Form & PurePhysic
[This is my style ;D ]
Mrs Cheryl Chew
English & SocialStudies
Miss Mabel Cheong
Elementary Mathematics
Mrs Chew
Additional Mathematics
-She Tells us stories
-She's pregnant
[Best Wishes]
Mr Ridzuan Bin A
Pure Chemistry & Catalys
[slap you then you know arh]
Mr Ngm Tew Fai
Mdm Sharifah
Miss Lim Chiang Siew
[Okay? ; kay ; O-K ; so kay]
Mr Richard Teo
Physical Education